Digital Marketing (Section 1 of 5)
December 27, 2024Digital Marketing (Section 3 of 5)
December 28, 2024Start Time: 6:30pm
Tiny Hands Trusted Care: Best quality babysitting service for your children.
Team: Martha Acosta
Start Time: 6:45pm
Forest Rebranding: Personal branding services, such as digital profile enhancements.
Team: Benjamin Castro
Start Time: 7:00pm
The Bunny’s Burrow: Situation affordable meals (ex. college, single person, etc…) as well
as kitchen gadgets and other products for the kitchen. It will have a blog and community
where people will share ideas and thoughts related to the recipes or items.
Team: Ivette Hilario
Start Time: 7:15pm
FlixbyDeja: Sports photography services for collegiate athletes.
Team: Deja Robinson
Start Time: 7:30pm
Symphony Sessions: Your Destination to Connect, Explore, and Discover your new
favorite music.
Team: Tiffany Chen
Additional Details
Panelist - Allison Pishko, Len Resto
Moderator - Juliette Lantz
Class - Digital Marketing